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Soulfire® Life Masterclass

  • 55 Steps


LET’S GET REAL. LIFE CAN SUCK... AND YOU HAVE PROBABLY THOUGHT ABOUT RUNNING AWAY MORE NOW AS AN ADULT THAN YOU DID WHEN YOU WERE A KID. But, you can go from a sucky life to one that you find ridiculously successful. Learn how to rediscover your passion, live it daily, do a business out of it (if you want,) have better relationships, achieve more, and create environments that support you and your relationships. Session 1: How To Be Passion Filled Session 2: Your Life Starts With U Session 3: Relight (Or Find) Your Fire Session 4: Soulstyle™ Advantage Session 5: Space You Love and That Fuels You Session 6: How To Get More Done



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