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Neuro Human Branding® Personal Study

  • 32 Steps


HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU, BUT......... Your brand is not your website. Your brand is not your logo. Your brand is not the colors you choose to use. Your brand is your ability to connect, relate, and retain with your audience via your product/ service. Your brand is a relationship. And as with all good relationships, science and psychology is at the root: A.K.A. Neuro Human Branding® By adding science and smarts to your brand, you set yourself up for success with your brand, business, and bottom line. Neuro Human Branding® isn’t about creating a heartless strategy or random niche - it is about creating a solid brand foundation and building the relationships that you and your audience crave. -Three main tracks of study: Foundation, Practical, Top 10 Wants -25 Bite-Size Videos allowing you to get to the heart of the information without the fluff -Practical steps to success in implementing impression management into your life -Deep diving into the top 10 characteristics/ situations that we all want more of -You have LIFETIME access to this course and any updates that become available. -Real-world advice and tools to optimize your relationships and brand



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